Lacrosse Equipment

Lacrosse Equipment


Here you will find the equipment your child will need for the upcoming season, and ways to donate old equipment to families in need.

Required Equipment

Lacrosse Equipment Stores

Equipment Donations

As the cost of participating in lacrosse and youth sports continues to rise, it is our strong desire to make this

wonderful game as accessible as possible to as many youth athletes as possible. If there are kids who want to play the game, we want to make it happen for them regardless of personal financial circumstances.

Some of you may have a son or daughter who played in prior seasons and has decided not to continue with the game and/or have aged out of the program. Others perhaps have uniforms (2023/24 version – green/white) or equipment that they have outgrown.

If you have equipment or uniforms that are in good condition and can be donated to the program for distribution to players in need, we would very much appreciate your support.

Whether you are in need of equipment or have equipment that you would like to donate, please email us at 


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